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Grey Literature

Guidance for searching Grey Literature, with a worldwide, multi-disciplinary focus.

About Grey Literature

This guide is to inform students and researchers on how to systematically search 'Grey Literature' (As opposed to Journals and Databases), especially if they are producing a Qualitative Systematic Review or Scoping Review. Many systematic review protocols recommend searching Grey Literature, although only 42.8% of reviews do so. (Giang, H.T.N. et al. 2019

Grey Literature is also important when research involves specific populations who are historically underrepresented in empirical research, such as minoritized populations. (Lee, M.S. et al. 2023)

This guide assumes you have knowledge of what Grey Literature is, and if you are unsure please review the Student Portal - Using Grey Literature and Conferences page.

Types of Grey Literature

Type Currency Quality
Blog High Variable
Guidelines and Policies Low High if based on good quality evidence from reputable sources
Conference Proceedings High High if based on current research
Podcasts High Variable
Social Media High Variable
Report Variable

It can be high, but check the source. Possible bias

from industry-led/single-issue organisations

White Papers Variable High, if recent but can be politically driven so may be biased
Magazines Low

Can be very current, but often focused towards the public so may lack

academic sources or references.

The GreyNet International Website holds a list of Document Types in Grey Literature

Available Sources

Name Help Pages Subject Content Reach Geo Filters   Multidisciplinary Policy, White Papers, Blogs Worldwide Yes. Comprehensive options 
TRIP   Health Clinical Guidelines Worldwide Limited, use LMIC sensitive/specific
Policy Commons   Multidisciplinary Policy, Guidelines, Reports, White Papers, Legislation Worldwide Yes. Limited to country only
ERIC   Education Policy, Reports, Meetings. Worldwide (but with an American focus) Yes, But Limited
Community Care Inform   Social Care Legislation, Expert Articles, Guidelines UK No
LGBTQ+ Source Yes LGBTQ+ Magazines and regional newspapers, plus full text for 150 monographs/books. Worldwide


GlobalData Explorer   Social Media Analytics Login, click on databases then social media analytics. Worldwide Yes
Greenfile   Environment Reports, Pamphlets and Magazines Worldwide No
Proquest One Business   Business Periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations Worldwide  
Kings Fund Yes Health and Social Care Policy, systems, services and leadership literature UK No

Subject: Is the resource focused in a single subject, or multiple?

Content: What does it contain?

Reach: Is it worldwide or focused on a specific country?

Geo Filters: Are you able to exclude results from specific geographical areas? (See Decolonising Grey Literature)