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Searching the medical literature

The literature searching process for students in the Faculty of Health and Medicine


While databases aim to index all the articles published in a journal, it is sometimes worth scanning key journals to look for other material such as advertisements, announcements and book reviews. This can be done online or from the print journal.

If you go to a  journal's website you can also look through  very recent articles, especially material made available online in advance of publication. These articles are often not indexed in databases or in OneSearch.

Library databases generally don't cover more ephemeral or informal publications such as newsletters from patient groups or industrial organisations.  You may be able to access them through their website.  Otherwise a trip to a library which holds a run of a particular newsletter or magazine may be required.

You may also need to "handsearch" individual websites to find reports, guidelines and policy documents.

Searching for journals by title

To find a journal by title:

  1. Go to OneSearch
  2. Log in with your University username and password
  3. Type the title of the journal you want into the search box
  4. Choose the 'Books and more' search mode
  5. If necessary, limit the results to 'Journals' using the refining tools on the right. If you only want to see ejournals, refine further to 'Full text online'
  6. Click the title of the journal to further information about how to access the journal, online or in print in the Library.