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Lancaster University guidance on understanding disability

The Understanding disability webpage gives a brief explanation different disabilities and some of the challenges students with those disabilities may encounter, including:

  • Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) including dyslexiafemale student smiling
  • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADHD)
  • Visual stress
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Long-term medical condition
  • Mental health
  • Deaf and hearing impairments
  • Visual impairments
  • Mobility impairments and physical disabilities

Lancaster University Disability Service

a male student drinking coffee talking to a female studentFind out about support available for disabled students at Lancaster University

For more information visit the Disability Service webpage

For students requiring specific accessibility support, Disabled Students' Allowances funding may be available through Student Finance or your relevant Funding Council. The Disability Service can arrange an assessment for you.

Lancaster University Transitions Team

transitions team logoThe Transitions Team at Lancaster University offer pastoral support to help you to settle in, connect with others, and look after your wellbeing.

For more information visit the Transitions Team webpage

Lancaster University Staff Disability and Inclusion Toolkit

These webpages provide information and guidance to help staff to understand and implement support for disabled students at Lancaster.

The Disability and Inclusion Toolkit provides two strands of support.

  • Part 1 is a practical guide to both implementing and understanding our current system of reasonable adjustments for disabled students.
  • Part 2 is a start-up guide to the consideration of more inclusive approaches of support which can give you the tools and ideas to make your practice more inclusive for everyone, to remove the need for the majority of additional reasonable adjustments for disabled students.

For guidelines for staff on working with coversheets, including downloadable notes:

Accessibility resources

jaws software logo - blue shark

  • JAWS: Screen-reading software: for Windows. Available on one specific computer within the library. Speak to the library staff for more information.
  • Read and Write: Dyslexia support software to assist users in developing skills in reading and writing. Available on all ISS-supported PCs via AppsAnywhere.
  • Mindjet MindManager: Mind-mapping software. Available on all ISS-supported PCs via AppsAnywhere .

  • Ally Toolkit for Staff- for making Moodle teaching resources more accessible

Assistive tools and technology

ALLY software logoYou can find a variety of assistive technologies and tools to help you access digital resources on the ASK page in the link.  Some of these are available on AppsAnywhere. 

IT Support can provide advice and support on a wide range of assistive software, not just the applications provided on AppsAnywhere.


Examples of what is available:

More information on Digital Accessibility, including guides and checklists for creating accessible resources and assistive software and technologies


Staff training: Disability Service & Transitions Team

  • Disability awareness training
    This training offers an insight into the work done by the Disability Service including ILSPs, alternative assessment arrangements, and what to do if a student discloses a disability to you. Training is flexible and interactive to suit your needs. 
    Book Disability Awareness Training
  • Autism awareness training
    This online session looks at strategies to support students with an Autism diagnosis. While we are not Autism specialists, we work with students with an Autism diagnosis daily. This training draws on our experience in sharing strategies for supporting these students.
    Go to Autism Awareness Training

Inclusive support for all students

Students with a disability or health condition may be entitled to additional support, and we have a range of provision which all students can access to help with studies. 

Find out about the following support available at Lancaster through Inclusive support for all students:

  • One to ones
  • Workshops
  • Online resources
  • Assistive technology

Lancaster University Disabled Student Policy and FAQs

Lancaster University have put together a range of information for staff relating to the University's Disabled Student Policy, including the legal framework and adjustments that students can expect. While this is predominantly aimed at staff, as students, you also have the right to know what level of service you can expect from the University. What is classed as a disability can also be a source of some confusion, so the FAQs section below aims to answer these and other policy-related queries.

Disabled Students Policy and FAQs

Specialist Careers Support

 If you need access to information in a different format, or are unable to attend a specific careers/employability appointment or workshop because of accessibility or other disability-related reasons, please contact us at and we will be able to assist you.