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Biomedical and Life Sciences: Referencing

A guide to Library resources for biomedical and life scientists


Reference management systems such as EndNote can help you reference accurately and quickly. 

EndNote online is recommended for BLS students doing research projects.

  • Gather references from different sources, such as OneSearch, Web of Science and PubMed
  • Capture webpages
  • Organise and store your PDFs and links
  • Format your bibliography in the Lancaster University Library Harvard style
  • Use with Word to insert citations into your writing
  • Deduplicate reference libraries

Harvard style

Biomedical & Life Sciences students are expected to reference in the Harvard, or Author-Date style. Harvard has many variations.

We recommend the Harvard (Lancaster University Library) style.

Referencing guides

We've created an online guide and a printable guide with lots of useful information about the Harvard (Lancaster University Library) style:

Harvard (Lancaster University Library) online guide

Cite Them Right

cite them right logo open book At Lancaster you have access to Cite Them Right : the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism.

Cite Them Right covers the range of referencing styles which can be used including

Chicago, Harvard, OSCOLA, APA, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver and MHRA.