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Biomedical and Life Sciences: Training and Support

A guide to Library resources for biomedical and life scientists

One to one appointments

Faculty librarians for Health and Medicine are available to meet staff and students for one to one appointments to discuss:

  • literature searching
  • using databases
  • using reference management software, such as EndNote. 

Appointments can be over the phone or online using Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

You will receive an initial confirmation email to your Lancaster University email address. This will be followed up with an email specifying room details, or a link to the online meeting. It may be possible to arrange a meeting outside of these times. Contact

We'd love to hear from you at any time with your feedback or success stories!

Get help and support from the Library

Subject Help

Contact the Library Teaching and Engagement Team for help and advice on how to find and use information sources for your subject.

General help

Tel. 01524 592516


Upcoming Library & Information Skills workshops

Upcoming Events

Library training sessions

The Library offers a range of workshops and learning opportunities for undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers and staff.

Help with systematic literature reviews

diagram showing the search process cycleWe have produced a new guide to systematic literature searching, which takes you through the key steps in the process.

Student feedback

"The teaching [delivered by the Faculty Librarian] helped me to feel less daunted about going back to academic writing and researching etc"

- Clinical Psychology trainee, 2019


Online guides and help


feedbackFaculty Librarians are always to keen to hear your feedback following lectures, workshops and webinars.

We use this to understand our impact on your learning, and to improve our teaching practice where possible. You can tell us in person or by email at any time, or complete this short feedback survey at the end of a taught session.

Complete the workshop feedback survey.