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Biomedical and Life Sciences: Generative AI

A guide to Library resources for biomedical and life scientists

A quick guide to generative AI

Lancaster University guidelines on using generative ai

Principles for the educational application of generative AI issued by Lancaster University 

University Position on Artificial Intelligence

Lancaster University recognises that staff and students are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI tools in their personal and professional lives. The University encourages the appropriate application and associated research of AI and Gen AI tools; however, caution must be applied to ensure such tools are used in a responsible and ethical manner.

The boundary between AI and other digital technologies is constantly changing with AI increasingly being integrated, both visibly and invisibly, into digital systems. The University has developed principles and guidelines for the responsible use of AI.

The information applies to all faculty staff, students and professional services staff involved in the use of AI and Generative AI technologies at the University.

Guidance for Staff and Students