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Map resources

Map resources at Lancaster University Library

Welcome to the map resources guide


The University Library map collection is located on A Floor. Ask Library staff for assistance finding the maps and atlases you need. Thematic atlases may be shelved with the subject concerned e.g. most historical atlases are kept in the History section.

This guide will help you find relevant information for your research.

Use the tabs on the left to find maps, databases and other useful resources.


Map of Lancaster 1610 by John Speed

Inset from the map "The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster described and divided into hundreds, 1610" by John Speed.
John Speed was one of the best known English cartographers of the modern period, and he was the surveyor and originator of many of the town or city plans inset within them. His work helped to define early modern concepts of British national identity. (Wikipedia, 2023)
The original map is available for viewing from the Lancashire Archives Service, and further information on the importance of John Speed’s town plans can be found in this paper from Contrebis Journal titled John Speed's Town Plan of Lancaster in 1607 (2020)

Effortless, no-code access to the power of Google Earth Engine.  

Earth Blox gives you commercial access to Google Earth Engine’s entire catalogue of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets, and you don’t need to be an expert in Python or JavaScript to use it.

Access at



Digimap is a collection of EDINA services that deliver maps and geospatial data from a number of national data providers, including Ordnance Survey and the British Geological Survey. Data is available either to download to use with appropriate application software such as GIS or CAD, or as maps generated by Digimap online. The Library subscribes to the entire Digimap package.

Soil Maps, Groundwater Level Mapping and Geology Datasets

The British Geological Survey  has a wide range of datasets, including Soil Maps, Groundwater Levels and 1: 50 000 scale geology  OpenGeoscience is a free service where you can view maps and download data, scans, photos and other information.

More information at OpenGeoScience

BoB Playlist : Maps

Playlist of dsocumentaries on the subject of maps

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is a streaming service covering the last 25 years of British free to air channels. You'll need to create a Box of Broadcasts account with your Lancaster email address before accessing.



The MARIO (Maps & Related Information Online) Online Mapping site from Lancashire County Council contains many Local Maps and Datasets, zoomable in browser and accessable without logging in.

Along with the wide selection of historical and aerial mapping it also holds environmental, heritage and transport datasets reusable under the Open Government Licence

Access at