You need to evaluate the information that you find before deciding whether not you can rely on it. This is especially when the information has not been through any review process.
The CRAAP test can help by reminding you what qualities to look for. However, the judgement on whether or not to use the information is yours to make. You might decide to reject it or check the claims further using other sources. The same information may be evaluated differently, depending on how you intend to use it.
CRAAP stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose.
The CRAAP test was devised by librarians at California State University's Meriam Library. See original webpage 'Is this source of information good?'.
Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically examining research to judge its trustworthiness, and its value and relevance in a particular context.
Here are different online courses to choose from. Each includes explanations and checklists to help you appraise the material you have retrieved.
Grey literature has not been through any sort of peer review process. Therefore it is particularly important that you evaluate material very carefully to decide whether to use it.
The AACODS checklist is designed to enable evaluation and critical appraisal of grey literature. The checklist was designed and made available by Jess Tyndall at Flinders University.
Who is responsible for the intellectual content?
Does it state aims, methods, peer-review, supporting work?
Are the limits or scope of the material clearly stated?
Can you identify bias, balance or opinion in the material?
Is the date relevant and does it meet your needs?
Is the item meaningful? What does it add?